Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
The “healthiest” gift ever….providing the joy…ready to try?!
Wow, what a year it has been, hasn’t it?! Thinking through the magical, special congratulations for our dearest students and frankly for all the human beings around last winter, no one could have ever imagined that the bucket of tremendous health would come mostly in handy. The good news is all new is well overlooked old, that’s why in the run-up to the most miraculous time of this year Dance For You team is lucky enough to wish you all twice the size of health, happiness and hope – three crucial Hs of 2024 surely as well as all the other virtues to your life paths!
There is no doubt that every single year of our lives systematically brings us, people, experience, either in a form of people, events or situations, but definitely always made of emotions, both: elevating and not that much. But 2024, like “a ground breaker”, has cracked some of the long established grounds but luckily not broken them down to ashes. Therefore we all have a full right to add some bright colors to the outgoing year and set an engaging tone for the upcoming 2025.
Yes, we all have learned a lesson this year, the one that truly shouldn’t have been taught in the first place. Alas! But looking at the bright side, the unexpected and not much welcomed lockdown has given people a chance to spend precious time, irretrievable hours with the ones, we all unfortunately never have even a minute for within a daily/work routine, our all-time-favourite people. For some they might be one’s soulmate, for others – parents or children, the third ones would go for friends or colleagues. It makes no matter who exactly they are. What matters is that all of them are safe and sound, both mentally and physically. So, what do you think can give you best of both worlds and represent quite a memorable and enjoyable pastime ever? Especially in the middle of magical “Surprise” time?! If you go for dance classes, Bingo! There is absolutely no reason for any kind of melancholy, no way…with Dance For You team there is a thoroughly opposite way around yes, there is!
The most appreciated and cherished gift is usually the one that is presented from the heart and put to good use. Our dancing studio presents much expected and always popular “Enchanting Gift Certificate” that suits both: female and male, young and old, professional and amateurs, single and couple, residents and tourists and many other reasons that slightly may stop you. The best quality time ever with the ones who sincerely deserve it most is about to “be wrapped” this year quite unexpectedly, let’s say by means of wholesome, worthwhile and weighted directly to having fun dance classes. Already sounds interesting, doesn’t it?!
Let’s celebrate the past and welcome the future to the beat of groovy tunes. Latin-American dances are energizing while Ballroom dances may provide with inspiration. Who knows, Social dances might turn out to be the ones to finally open the doors into unbelievable world of dancing. Or it might a Christmas mix of all, short-time-but-directly-into-your-heart dance routine to one’s favourite tunes! Going for all of them or probably just one will 100% grant everyone with unforgettable joyful pastime, the one to remember for good! This unique gift will be enjoyed by its recipient. However, the one giving it is about to be delighted even more! Simply because presenting, sharing or even spreading, we dare to claim, “HEALTH” in such a pleasant and beneficial way, is worth a lot, but first of all attention to everyone’s basic needs, stay safe and sound for as long as possible!
We want you to feel the atmosphere of the winter holidays! It’s hot in Dubai, but we truly believe that snow is the essential part of winter. That’s why we decided to add some snow to our website design. And we are glad to present our virtual New Year's tree (Christmas tree).

And you can have some fun with the virtual snow globe below. You can shake the snow by clicking or touching it.
Besides, Magical Christmas time is all about the miracles, right? You take a step, we guarantee the rest. Every single minute of an incredible dance class is about to be dazzling, just because it is dancing after all. Unusual body movements to joyful tunes with the ones you adore the most, is there anything else to be wished for?! Give it a try and heavens will respond in kind, granting you with the best year ever! Are you ready to prove us right?! Happy holidays by the way, see you on a dance floor!