The Halloween Party: Dancing in Dubai
Have you ever danced waltz with Count Dracula? Salsa, tango, samba, rumba and other Standard and Latin-American dances are performed by werewolves, ghosts, witches and other evil creatures on the 31th of October at “Dance For You” studio, Dubai, UAE.
It’s an annual masquerade party with live music, dances, contests, dance shows and performances dedicated to Halloween, originally a British day of all Saints, a holiday that became very popular all over the world due to its carnival nature. In most countries like UAE, where people, mainly youngsters, started to celebrate Halloween only recently, it is considered as a spectacular show, not a religious holiday.
Our Halloween Party Concept
“The key to a good Halloween party is a thought-out scenario and a proper well-formed atmosphere”, - Arseniy, the manager of the “Dance For You” studio, shares his secrets how to organize a successful Halloween party. The disadvantage of big parties with hundreds of guests is that they become all similar to a regular disco with loud music, where it’s quite easy to lose yourself in the crowd. It’s good if there’s a dress code, otherwise there’s no difference between a Halloween and a Christmas party. We carefully avoid such mistakes and gain benefits from our party format that we consider a medium or even small size, despite the fact that we have the biggest dance floor among all the dance schools in UAE. Therefore, it allows us to have more interaction with the audience, to organize dance and costume competitions, games, etc.
The design and interior of our dance studio changes a lot. Well, if it wasn’t a horror manor house, then it at least becomes a “Haunted Dance School” with all the spooks, spiders, cobwebs, pumpkins and other essential attributes of the Halloween. A great attention is paid to composition of music playlist and organization of some live performances.
The party doesn’t have any sex or age restrictions. Everybody, both adults and kids, could participate and enjoy the carnival. Snacks and drinks are available during the whole evening.
The Masquerade
Most people love Halloween because of its tradition for fancy dresses and costumes. Masked balls being popular in the past have evolved and nowadays exist as anime cosplay festivals and carnivals like Brazilian or Mardi Gras. Halloween is the right time to use your imagination for creating a unique stunning outlook: a proper costume, accessories, make-up, hair styling, etc. While you can search the shops for a desired dress set, many people enjoy creating their own custom style by putting together various wardrobe elements and spooky accessories from various brands or even creating some items themselves. Halloween is not so strict about costumes. It’s up to you to decide who you would like to be on the party: a charming witch, an elegant vampire, a clumsy zombie or a brutal werewolf – these are just some examples from a vast collection of dark Halloween characters. More information with ideas and illustrations of most successful costumes and make-ups is available in our article “How to prepare and celebrate Halloween in Dubai?”
We allow all kinds of dresses; however, we recommend wearing something comfortable, so that you can have fun and join the Halloween Ballroom Dance!
The Halloween Ballroom Dance
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
- The Joker (“Batman” movie)
Yes, here everything is possible! You can fulfil your secret wish to dance tango with Joker, waltz with Count Dracula or choose any other character you prefer. Some of them are our professional dance teachers and choreographers, so no doubt you will enjoy it. Besides waltz and tango, other standard and Latin-American dances are available: Salsa, Cha-cha-cha, Merengue, Quickstep, Hustle, Samba, Rumba, Pasodoble, Foxtrot, Jive and more.
For those who’d like to refresh their knowledge of dancing or learn some new cool dance moves we offer dance practice sessions, couple dance classes and private dance lessons before the actual Halloween party. All sessions are available for adults, kids and mixed for the whole family.
If you don’t feel like couple dancing, then you can join the group dances. One of them is a special synchronous “Hell Dance” – a carnival dance procession of evil spirits as a climax of the Halloween. It has quite simple moves, so everybody even without any dancing experience can attend.
Apart from dancing, you can relax and watch dance shows and performances by our dance teachers and students.
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